
“A book is a gift you can open again and again.” - Garrison Keillor

Different books and genres appeal to different people and tastes, but there are a couple of books that are almost universally acclaimed. These so called “classics” are the books that contain captivated tales undiminished by time and trends. Chances are you have heard about most of the books in this category, but how many of them have you actually experienced first hand? Browse through this section to find out.

Editor's choice

Len Handeland - Love, Jealousy, Rage, and the Supernatural
FEATURED AUTHOR - Len is an award-winning fictional author. His writing involves vampires, paranormal, and murder crime drama novels. His first book earned him 5-star reviews from readers and professional book reviewers and became a finalist in the American book fest contest in the fall of 2021. As our Author of the Day, he tells us all about The Darkest Gift.